Squeak in Extremadura

17 November, 2006

This video is a year old but it shows a very nice overview of using squeak in the class room.  Enjoy!

5 Responses to “Squeak in Extremadura”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Doesn’t this just sound like some somewhat souped-up HyperCard, which I used on a Mac some 10 years ago, and was available long before then?

    And it didn’t have annoying “Squeak” noises. Well, maybe it did, I can’t remember 🙂 I know it didn’t have the corny music…

  2. Anthony McNamara Says:

    Let us say it is the same. Now, if Hypercard was good, where is it? Did it’s proprietary owners decide to stop releasing it? I think they did. But that cannot happen with Squeak. If Squeak’s owners decide to stop releasing it, anybody else can pick up the source code and further develop it, and make it avaialable again. So useful software which is open source will disappear only when nobody can find it useful, and not when proprietary software owners decide to make their software disappear.
    Secondly, with the open source, “Anonymous” can edit the code to take out the “Squeak” noise. Try that with Hypercard.

  3. Anonymous — sure. Hypercard was a great learning tool.

  4. Peter Kerr Says:

    “souped-up Hypercard”? Well, yes, given that HyperTalk was a watered down dialect of SmallTalk. Modern drag & drop gui means no typing of arcane commands. We need a generation of students free to create, not confined to computer programming.

    But: [Squeak allows] students to actively participate in
    their learning, not just accept imposed knowledge…

    and: From a networked folder of … scanned images
    the students choose…

    Do I see an oxymoron? Why weren’t they out taking their own pictures? Using the teacher’s camera phone if need be? Maybe the format of this video didn’t allow us to see all that was happening, but if Squeak is to have value it must be presented as more than just a souped-up cut&paste tool.

  5. Ironically Anthony, both Hypercard and Squeak were created by the same company – Apple.

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